Empower Physicians or Change the System?

Empower Physicians or Change the System?

There are two general approaches to solving the problem of physician burnout.  One side—typically administrators, managers, and wellness advocates—says healthcare organizations should provide resiliency training to physicians. Teach them mindfulness. Coach them to develop their sense of insight. Teach them to “reframe” their perceptions and objectify their thinking. Provide Employee Assistance Programs and offer counseling.…

Leading Leaders In Formlessness

COVID 19 is imposing transformations on nearly everyone on this Earth. Whether it brings out the best or worst in us will depend on the maturity of our response. To better understand, we must first define something called “Formlessness.” Formlessness is the keystone segment of any significant transformation arc. It is the portion of the…

Efforting: Low Hanging Fruit

By Brad Fern All employers, from Amazon to the corner convenience store, pay their employees for the same thing. They pay people to direct their energies toward a task, a mission, or vision. Those energies come in three forms: cognitive energy (thinking), emotional energy (passion and collegiality), and physical energy (showing up and getting it…